NEW! Oral-giene

For starters, try our NEW Bamboo Toothbrushes made from real antibacterial Bamboo wood!


Customization options will be available soon!


VIIBRO is offering an exclusive customization service for this product and more like it for future products using Top quality Lazer Cut printers and more! Production is quick. It usually takes 20-30mins to customize your toothbrush with your name. Our customization process allows you to stamp your toothbrush with your very own unique lettering of 7 letters or less. If you’re interested in this service please send us a message in the chat and let us know! Subscribe via email to stay updated on when this feature becomes available!

 Can’t wait? Try it Now! 👍🏽

* We're working on making our customization option(s) easier to get to and use online. For now, if you are interested in customizing your toothbrush with your name, send us a message by clicking the button on the lower bottom right hand of the screen that says, "Chat with us" with the name that you want on your toothbrush and your order number. Customization is $5 but you will not be charged until its completed. Thank you!

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