Idolized VII

Idolized VII

What does it mean to be a Vii?

Vii stands for a very idolized individual. You don't have to be a celebrity to be idolized. This is the place where you can find yourself & be comfortable with being yourself.

Idolize Yourself

Lots of evidence shows that the more media we consume with attractive people in it, the worse we feel about ourselves. But because we don’t want to give up our addiction to media — an addiction that provides us with companionship, entertainment, and so many good memories — we don’t quit. It subtly tells us we’re not good enough so many times that we start to believe it’s true. Do you agree?


Data shows that we often idolize images seen from various sources of the media. There seems to be an addiction to media that won’t allow us to stop idolizing models and celebrities and start idolizing ourselves. Here at Viibro, we focus on individuals idolizing themselves & not what’s around them. 
Our collection is for you to represent yourself as a VII.-Very Idolized Individual. 

VII= Be Yourself

The best versions of ourselves are shown at our  weakest and strongest points.  These two points in our lives will bring out the best in us and eventually grow us into who we are. Insecurities and self doubt will be under control the moment that you face them. You have to be ok with being uncomfortable while growing. You have to start with yourself and fix the things within you that are bad. Everyone needs to and has to at some point in their lives which will shape them into the best versions of themselves. Don’t let the best version of yourself rot and never have a chance to be grounded. You deserve you and we want that for you! 

Welcome to Viibro! 

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