Our Stand

Our Stand

What VIIBRO stands for:

Here at Viibro, we not only stand for Black Lives but we also stand for our Communities across the United States of America. We believe in Freedom. We believe in peace. We believe in standing up against violence and crime. We believe that you deserve better. 

The crime rate is so bad in these communities that the children are apart of the fight when they shouldn’t have to be. Old and young people are dying everyday by violence and crime. As a kid, I feared walking to school because of the violence. That was one of the reasons why graduating high school was so important to me. I’ve experienced emotional stress from losing close friends to gun violence & many of you reading this have also. Many of you can relate. 

It’s up to us to protect the young and it’s up to the young to change the world. As a community; we can end this together, work together, stand together and achieve a lot together never alone.

In order to have a peaceful environment you must first clean up the garbage. VIIBRO is going to work with a variety of organizations that help to protect the communities around the USA. We’re starting sending donations to PLACES THAT MATTER soon.

No violence More fun!

•Follow my instagram and continue supporting @clmvii TikTok clmvii.

What does this mean for you?

You’ll have the option to Tip at the end of your order. Your Tip will go towards our help in Stopping Violence in your community.

CEO: Corey Moore

2020 protest that a couple of Viibro’s and myself participated in. We stood for Human rights in America. VIIBRO believes in Freedom and the right to a fair trial.

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